Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Still Alive….

Four months ago I started travelling again as part of my (then) new job. And here it is – the end of May. And I’m still doing it. And still digging it.

It *is* a bit of a grind. Trying to sleep Sunday nights. Getting to the airport for the first flight out Monday morning. Working late most nights. Getting to the airport on Thursday evening to make it back home for a day of work on Friday from Jones International HQ (i.e., the dining room table) and then for a weekend with the family. But, I count my blessings that I’m doing something I like doing. Not to mention I made a certain airline’s A list a couple weeks back, and Gold membership in a certain hotel chain’s program this week.

The only thing left is to find some motivation to exercise. I’ve found a hill to climb right outside the hotel. I try to get out a couple times a week. Some weeks I’m not very successful (like this week).  It’s not much – a mile up and a mile down. The views are tremendous.


I think for right now, racing and any kind of serious running is clearly out of the picture. After all, if I committed too much time to running, when would I have time to commit to my other hobby?


Seriously though, I’m down about 5 pounds over the last 12 weeks or so without exercising. I really need to commit to a regular exercise program this week. If for no other reason than to do something meaningful the evenings that I am away from home. Stay tuned.

Thanks for visiting. Hope things are well with all of you!


  1. I give you big props for even being able to some running with a schedule like yours. Even though its a grind, I am sure that a few minutes into your run you get a pretty good feeling.

  2. I'm not a good traveller and my running will stop completely if I had to travel like that. You are doing great. Enjoy!

  3. I always think I'm going to run when I travel and it never happens. Good for you for getting SOME exercise in!

  4. It takes a while for a new rhythm to feel like the new normal. And good for you not deluding yourself into adding race training to the mix. Summer's here and the unorthodox commute should feel a little easier with the longer days.

  5. Good job on the weight loss.
    As for exercise motivation, only you can do it to get with the program! :-)
    Traveling and running = tough.

  6. Good to hear from you, Glenn! Traveling is SO hard on weight loss - as you know, something I really struggle with too. What about trying some in-room exercises? I've enjoyed things like 100 pushups a day (done in sets of 10, nothing too crazy!) or my new favorite site is, which gives you at-home exercise videos.

  7. glad all is well glenn! rack up those hotel points - they come in handy :) sounds like you're keeping the stress levels under control. hope you can find some time to run or row again.

  8. Still Alive - I certainly hope so!!! Running is a hobby, so I guess you better make the living first and figure out play time as it comes :)

    And you just had to bring up the snow while we're trying to enjoy our 4 months of good weather...sigh...
