Tuesday, July 12, 2011

All This and Only Two Hours from the Bustling Metropolis

So, as mentioned in last week’s blog post (am I really relegated to one post a week these days?), I spent Friday traipsing the local hills…

This was in the mountains just to the west of Palm Springs. To get up to the top, we got to ride the Palm Springs Aerial Tram:

Other than that though, I got absolutely zero in. Saturday was a forced recovery day (believe me – walking from the bed to the computer was painful) and Sunday was a family get together to celebrate two of my kids birthdays.

This week, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are out. I should get some miles in on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

At least the scale is going the right direction still. Another loss of 1.9 pounds. If you look closely at the last scene of the first video, you’ll see why this is important.

Gotta run to my lunch appointment. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. i watched that first video twice to see why the 1.9 was important but never figured it out. maybe i'm dense :) anyway, looks like a good hike! i'll let the once-a-week posts slide as long as your out there working it!

  2. So beautiful! I need to go check that out!! Congratulations on your 1.9 loss!!

  3. Nice job on the weight loss, yahoo!

    Hope to see you next week! :)

  4. Congrats on the loss of 1.9!! Cool videos!

  5. Nice work!

    That cable car is a hoot!

    There are a lot og bloggers on a slowdown this year!
