Sunday, February 15, 2009

Long Run (Semi) Saturday

Yeah - semi long. On the schedule was a nine mile 3/1 run. In Higdon terminology, a 3/1 run is one where 3/4's of the run is at LSD pace (75% to 85% MHR), and the last quarter at target pace (in my case Half Marathon). So, this wasn't really a long run, but it was what was scheduled to wrap up week 1 in Higdon's Advanced Half Marathon plan (actually I do have a 4 mile recovery run today).

The run was decent. I felt strong the entire way. I ran the first 6.75 miles at a heart rate between 75% and 85% MHR. We were on the Lower Back bay trail, which meant that I was going to need to climb 'The Hill". I heeded the words of my doctor and pulled up to a walk as I headed up the hill back toward the start point. The walk contributed to an 11:26 pace for that mile, which put the kabosh on the goal of HM pace for 2.25 miles. But - my back is fine and pain free for the first time in several weeks!

On tap for today - 4 mile recovery run. I'll be back tomorrow morning!


  1. glad the run went well without any back trouble! better to pull back than risk hurting yourself or having to cut the run short.
