Friday, May 13, 2011

Ever Have "That Feeling" ?

This is a test. If you're really a runner, you are probably thinking this post is about poop, porta potties, or the mad dash through the woods. Or, you might think this post is about diarrhea (although there is not way that I could even approach the subject as well as lindsay did).

Well, sorry to disappoint you. "That Feeling" this week has been fatigue. I'm up over 20 miles a week at this point, and am really feeling the effect of three day in a row workout. My three mile recovery run on Wednesday was met with spiking heart rates whenever I got my feet moving faster than a slow jog, and my 4 miles in the hills yesterday was met with bed at 9:30. Either my fitness has really dropped back to rock bottom or I'm just becoming an old fart.

At least the views yesterday were tremendous:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I never associated "that feeling" with any bathroom-related things... Then again, there's always my blog title...

    Keep at it. It takes a while to get into the habit. Some good food will help, too.

    And nobody should hate on 9:30 bedtime... ;)

  2. Hey Glenn! Ha! I have had "that feeling," I used to get so frustrated that all of the sudden out of no where I just can't run. At first it surprised me and I'd get all down on myself, now I just accept I need a little break and move on.

  3. When was your last check up? People have suggested a nutritionist visit before. Those ultra runners wouldn't even bother going out if it were only for 3 miles, ha ha ha!!!

  4. Gorgeous Pic!! I totally get that feeling.. I have had it all week and I could't get myself to even go out there so you should be proud for your 20 miles!! :D

    Sometimes when I get so tired a little rest helps like a coupld days then I am back to running and it feels easier.

  5. Nah, you're not an old fart and your trainig's just telling ya it's been pushed a little and it's time for a rest day. Build slowly - it'll get there!

    Did you get a new job yet? Was just thinking about you...

  6. Tired? Ummmm. I think I have a chronic problem. 3 boys in school, 3 different drop off and pick up times and I work in the evenings, I AM SO TIRED. Please don't feel down for being tired. Tired is a good thing. It helps us sleep. : ) Good luck on next week's running. Take it easy. R u available mid mornings on weekdays? That's when I run.

    ps. After reading your comments, I have to recommend supplements. I hope you are taking some. I take many perhaps too much: glucosimine, iron, fish oil, c, potassium, calcium, to name a few.

  7. YES! I've had that seems to creep up a lot now around tougher training time! Yech, I DO think it is age. Let's fight it...or not and just take a nap!

  8. Zzz... Sleep well! :D

    ... and you aint that fat guy anymore, right? GO for it!

  9. No, you're not an old fart....some weeks are just like that. take a couple of recovery days or mix it up with going to a pool or get on a bike.

    We, of mature age sometimes find it just takes a little longer to adjust but it doesn't mean we are down and out!

  10. Had that feeling this week - over indulged last week with 65 miles plus 20 on the mountain bike. But it was fun ;-) You're not an old fart, just getting back over the hump after losing your solid base. It will get better (unless you're snowed in this weekend...)

  11. Haha. Well of course that's what I thought of. I am honored for the link! :) you could have written a new stanza, but then again you weren't talking about poop anyway.

    I would consider your non-running traits - they could be affecting you more than you think? After awhile, I gave in and admitted that long work weeks, lots of travel, etc were wearing me down more than I thought. Maybe not to where I felt it physically - but mentally and internally.

  12. I knew you couldn't resist the bathroom talk by calling yourself an old fart. haahaha. Well, that feeling of fatigue is def at my door step of late. The other Feeling, of bowel moving earthquakes? I am glad that there were porta potties all around in the last marathon. lol. Take care man. BTW, I am loving the new work hours. Seems, to get into the office aspect of things, all that was required was a well written resume/ lol

  13. Yes, I've had "that feeling" a lot lately and finally went to the doctor and discovered severe allergies and a mineral imbalance that make you feel tired when you're otherwise not. Maybe one or both of those is the culprit in your case too?
