Friday, July 10, 2009

These Short Runs are Getting Long

I've got to be a little more careful with time management. I headed out late for my run last night and ended up finishing after dark. I guess it didn't register that my midweek runs (used to be "short") are going to require a little more time to get done now that they are lengthening. If I start at 7 PM, I've got to remember that I'm likely to be finishing up after dark.

I wrapped up 11 general aerobic miles at an average pace of 10:15 and an average heart rate of 81% of max. I wrapped up just as it was getting hard to see. I have all the dorky night running stuff (headlamp, rear blinkers, reflective vest, etc.), but it didn't occur to me that I would be finishing that late. I had to slow way down and run gingerly for the last couple of miles because it was tough to see and, even though I was wearing a white tech shirt, I didn't want to take my chances with the cyclists and cars on the street. It was even difficult to see the uneven surfaces on the sidewalk. Note to self - next time start earlier or grab the headlamp!

One thing that I noticed today is the past couple of Fridays I've been pretty exhausted. I needed my Friday rest days. Today I'm actually feeling pretty good. I've increased calorie intake a little and I think that has a lot to do with it. I've been dropping weight a little faster than I wanted, and I'm sure the lack of fuel was contributing to my exhaustion. I'm not tracking religiously, but I increased from around 2300 calories a day to around 2500 a day. At the old number I was dropping about a pound a week. With the new number I should get back to about half a pound a week, which is consistent with my weight loss goal this year of 20 pounds. Among the tons of things I've learned the past few weeks, weight loss and marathon training is a delicate balance!

On tap toda - rest. Even though I'm feeling good, I think I'll still take the day off. Then, this weekend, I'll be putting in a 17 mile long run and a 5 mile recovery run to wrap up my 48 mile week.


  1. I totally know that feeling. Try not to get overwhelmed. :) You'll be in taper before you know it!

  2. Going out at night for a relatively short run and ending up in the dark is definitely a sign that your runs are getting very long indeed. Great work!

  3. get your rest in buddy. i may have to start my track workouts earlier if i am ever to attain ten 800's before 10 pm!

  4. I have honestly never run at night so I cannot relate-- I would imagine it to be very challenging though.

    You HAVE to post a photo of you in your night gear! You sound very prepared-- Rear blinkers?

    Thanks again for your comments on my blog!

  5. Good luck with the runs this weekend. I rest today and will again rest tomorrow before the race cause i think my legs have been over worked from going to work everyday! lol

  6. nice job on the 11! i might've been tempted to cut it short and finish before it got too dark myself. it's crazy how much longer each run is now! i look back on my log from a couple years ago and i'm like 'man i used to only run 2-4 miles a day'. now the minimum i will allow myself to run is 5! ok so that's not that big of a difference, but still... :)

    thanks for complimenting my banner pic! i love cool pics of people running and have always wanted one of myself.

  7. PS - Tagged you! Go to my blog.

  8. Finally I caught up with you! Short runs of 10 miles crack me up.

  9. Glenn, I am sure the lack of fuel contributed to your exhaustion. You aren't kidding, it is definitely a delicate balance trying lose weight, yet stay fueled up for training.

    Keep up the good work. Hope your 17 mile long run this weekend was successful and enjoyable!

  10. I've had the same issue with exhaustion. I think the change in weather is enervating. Plus, for you it's an increase in mileage. Be careful out there.
