Saturday, September 12, 2009

One more day off I think

I spent part of yesterday coughing up a lung, and my wheezing is still quite pronounced this morning, so there's no 20 miler in the mix this morning. As my fellow blogger AZ reminded me yesterday the old adage - "if it in the chest, ya gotta rest." So I think I'll take one more day here and get a little better. Of course, it has me concerned - my training has just really gone to pot in the last three weeks. I think I'll try five or six easy mile this afternoon and based on the way I feel. put some miles in in the morning tomorrow.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


  1. Do you think part of the symptoms are from your hike?

    I hope you're feeling better, soon!

  2. Yup, from the neck up you can go about your normal activities. Neck down? Take it easy, big guy! ;)

  3. Not too many here in Vegas don't have colds right now. As The Eagles say, take it easy. I got a nasty case of bronchitis once running with a cold that lasted 3 weeks or more. You don't want that pre LB Marathon. Take Care.

  4. i think when you get sick,it's your body's way of telling you it needs rest. So don't worry about the fitness, you've been such a good consistent runner for so long, it's not going to be down by much.

    And isn't it better it happens now THAN on race day?!

  5. REST until you don't feel it in your chest! PLEASE!!! Take it from someone who has had double pneumonia!!!

  6. Hope you feel better soon Glenn!

  7. my training has been in the pot for like 5-6 weeks, but thankfully not for any illness-like reasons. it's just plain been dragging. hope your are feeling better and can get back out there asap! coming up on the home stretch!
