Boo hoo! I decided to take an extra day off this week to see if I can get my legs feeling normal again. The pain is pretty much gone and I can walk normally at this point, but my legs still feel tired and listless. I think I'll try an easy three or four miles tonight to see how things are going (or if they are going to go on Sunday).
I ended up purchasing some new shoes yesterday. I tried out a new store recommended by Cal Coast - Runner's High in Irvine ( The owner, Ted Newcomb, and Co

ach Sumner go back a long ways. I had a great conversation with Ted before getting down to the task at hand. We went through some of my other choices (Mizuno Wave Nirvana, New Balance 1224). It boiled down to the Asics feeling the best on my feet. We discussed my *real* issue - 250 miles per pair. According to Ted, a "normal" shoe should get somewhere around 400 miles these days. But, given my symptoms, and he agreed that the indications say the inner cushioning is gone. A lot of my issue this time is no doubt related to my puddle run (Turkey Trot -
Instead of dropping another $140 on another pair of Kayanos, Ted pointed me to a different shoe - the Asics GT 2140. As he put it, it's the same basic shoe, just not a fancy looking. Plus it saves me about $40 per pair. I picked them up and will give them a try. Hopefully I can make it out today for a quick spin. I'll see how my legs feel later today. Then again, maybe an extra day of rest is good....
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