Thursday, January 24, 2008


Well - I missed my entry yesterday - but I have an excuse! I was on a plane flying back home from New York. For all the grief that we get about traffic and smog and high housing prices here in Southern California, the water on the ground was liquid when I got off the plane last night.

Unlike my flight out, on this one my reading light worked. So, part way through the flight, I settled in and started on the latest Runner's World (February 2008). If you haven't bought yours yet, there are three articles that make it worthwhile. Two of the articles are about the horrendous summer that the running community suffered through - Chicago Marathon and the death of Ryan Shay. The third article is all about core strength with a number of exercises to build base strength and a number of more advanced exercises . I think I'm finally in good enough shape to start working my core, so for the next few weeks I will incorporate the base core strength exercises in my stretching and weight training days. Core strength should help me run better and be less tired after a long run. I'll keep you updated on my progress.

Oh yeah - about the BRRRR!!!! I thought that being back home in Southern California would mean that I would be able to run in warm weather. Well, I went or my run this afternoon, 53 degrees, stiff wind blowing. BRRRR!!!! Colder than New Jersey - at least is sure felt like it. I put in my four miles and got into my car and out of the wind.

Tomorrow is a cross training day, so I think I'll get on an indoor rowing machine and row a few kilometers. Talk to you later!

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