Thursday, January 17, 2008

Repeats - New to Me

Sorry about not updating last night. Just ran out of gas as the evening got on.

Today's workout was a new one for me - repeats. Falling into my normal rut, I took off north from the Newport Aquatic Center (NAC), climbed the hill and was on my way.

My workout involved a one mile warmup, then one mile at "race pace" followed by a four minute walking rest repeated three times, and wrapping the whole thing up with a slow mile warm down. My race pace is supposed to be a 10:04, but I find that at that pace I just too slow to get my heart rate up to 75% max. So yesterday, I ran my miles at 9:15, 9:30 and 9:20. I never said I was a speed demon, but I'm pretty pleased considering where I was 6 months ago. The thing that really amazes me is how weekend warriors can go out and run 8 minute miles for 26 miles. I understand how the elite runners do it, but I really look up to those folks who, while holding down a day job, manage to get themselves into good enough shape to be able to run 3 hour marathons. Oh well - gives me something to work toward.

Today is supposed to be an easy three miler, so I'm sure I'll hit the weight room afterwards for some light lifting. Talk to you later!

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