Saturday, December 22, 2012

Two Weeks and Counting

Well, it's been two weeks since falling off the wagon. I guess I got back up though, because the feet are still hitting the pavement. I'm at a pace a tiny bit faster than a Brian walk, but for calorie purposes I'm still going to count things as a brisk walk.
Calorie budget for Friday:
  • Goal: 1780
  • Food: 2069
  • Exercise: (289)
  • Too few/(too many): 52
I did have a bit of a challenge Friday night though. Dinner was at the Cheescake Factory across the street from home. In case you don't know already, the Cheesecake Factory consistently rates near the bottom in terms of healthy fare. So, while I did put in my measly 2 miles (at a brisk walk), I still wanted to be careful and not blow the calorie count out of the water. In California, there is a law that requires restaurants to display calorie counts. But, they only have to be accessible. They don't need to be printed on the menu. Which at the Cheesecake Factory, means asking for nutritional info.

Luckily, this is the generation of the smartphone. A Google search turned up this website: Menus with calorie counts for 500 restaurants! Turns out the Cobb Salad I was eyeing was a mere 929 calories. The only problem was everything else was more!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been to the Cheesecake Factory in years, but I do love it! I always order a salad with dressing on the side. BORING! But geez their stuff is really loaded up with calories. Anyway, hope you made some good choices ;).

    Merry Christmas, Glenn!

    Oh, I was just telling Brendan if he didn't go out for the Blue Knights next summer, maybe we could re-climb Mt. Whitney. He got a big smile....but then said he wanted to do the Blue Knights. Darn!
