Saturday, January 3, 2009

Looking Forward to 2009

My last blog was about some of my accomplishments during 2008. I was thinking back to how I really had no goals for the year once I completed the RnR marathon. It's a bit of a wonder that I accomplished what I did while just wandering down the path!

So, it's time to set some running goals for 2009! Here they are:
  1. Build my base to 35 - 45 miles per week
  2. Put in 1500 miles during the year
  3. Run one marathon
  4. Keep it fun!

Shooting low? Maybe. But of the four goals, I think #4 is the highest priority for me. Over the last year and a half, I have come to really enjoy running. I have come to grips with the fact I will probably never win an age group award. And, being a results driven person, I know I've found something that I like because that doesn't bother me. More importantly, I haven't burned out even though I know I'm not going to win. As long as I am able to keep running fun, I'm pretty comfortable that I won't burn out. And, if I don't burnout, the rest of the goals will take care of themselves!

Now, on to 2009! I will putting my tactical plan together on a month by month basis to achieve these goals....


  1. solid goals for the new year! i wouldn't say you are shooting low - you have to keep things in perspective so that you don't end up forcing yourself into injury. these are all smart and achievable goals, and i especially hope you don't forget #4 in the doldrum drays of training.

  2. Thanks Lindsay! I must say - I really enjoy following your blog too!
