Monday, August 24, 2009


What a strange day yesterday. On the plan was a 17 mile long run. I had every intention of doing the miles. I wanted to get it in early - the weather has been a little strange here in So Cal lately. You don't normally equate Southern California and tropical weather, but a couple times a year, we *do* get affected by some monsoonal flow brought on by hurricanes and tropical storms off the coast of Mexico. For sure, we *never* see the full effect of those things (the last time L.A. was hit by a tropical storm was 1939), but we do get some of the moisture and every now and then a little wind as storms to our south unwind. Well - that's been going on this week. Thursday and Friday we received some rain and thunderstorms, and we have been fighting the humidity. At least it hasn't been too hot.

So, the alarm went off at 5 AM. I had every intention of being out of the house at 6 for what would have been about 3 hours on the trails. Mistake #1: I hit the snooze button. Ooops! The next thing I knew, it was awfully bright outside! Well, at least I spent a nice three hours dreaming. No problems - I figured I could just move my run until the afternoon. Take off around 4PM or so and be back while it was still light. Mistake #2: I was enjoying a relaxing day on the couch when around 3:00 - Yawn! Yawn! Sigh. Yawn! Next thing I know it was 4:30. I think I was abducted by aliens! Yeah - that's what happened!

Bottom line was the running mojo just wasn't there. I took a rain check. It's been a long time since I just enjoyed a relaxing day at home. It was actually kind of nice!

So, my week was a little short. I finished up with 31 miles spread out over four days. Kind of a blah week, but that's okay.

On the plan this week is another 50 miles:

Monday - Rest day
Tuesday - 8 mile GA
Wednesday - Off to the track for 5 X 1200 intervals. 9 miles total.
Thursday - 11 miles GA
Friday - Rest day
Saturday - 3 mile warm up, 14 mi marathon pace for 17 total
Sunday - 5 mile recovery

This can stack up to be a tough week with 2 quality workouts. I'm going to keep my head down and feet moving!


  1. Rest days are nice every now and again. Have a good week!

  2. The rest and sleep in sounds like heaven!

    Very well done, not bothering about it too much. The running mojo cannot be there all the time.

  3. Hello Glenn,

    It's always good to take a break! Still 31 miles are pretty impressive! Hope you had a restful week and start this week fresh:)

    I think your blog is a great inspiration for people who want to accomplish the same goal, and I’d love for you to share your past and upcoming experiences with others through Wellsphere’s HealthBlogger Network (HBN). With the HBN, you can connect with other people who have accomplished the same goal and encourage those who wish to follow in your path.

    For more information about joining, check out or feel free to e-mail me at hua [at] wellsphere [dot] com.


    Director of Blogger Networks

  4. Good luck this week! We all need that rest day sometimes and its nice to just relax on the couch. I totally did that Sunday. i watched the movie "the express" about ernie davis - it was very inspirational.

  5. I've had a few non-running mojo days!! Obviously, you needed a rest day! A rest day from this nasty humid yuck CA weather we are having!!!

  6. Your long run this week sounds a lot like mine. The only difference is that I declared myself over trained on Thursday afternoon and never set the alarm on Saturday morning.

    Since fitness is gained not through hard workouts, but through recovering from hard workouts, I spent a lot of time on the couch thinking about how much fitness I was gaining.

  7. Ditto on the rest! Sometimes your body has more control over your head!

    Per your comment on my blog. Yes, it was a femoral neck fracture. You can read about it here:

  8. I'm watching you....apparently we are on the same track.

  9. It sounds like sleep is what your body needed. Glad you let it get it!

  10. for someone who complains about working all the time ... it sure doesn't seem like it! ;)

    glad you gave yourself the rest it sounds like you needed. absolutely nothin' wrong with a big, day long nap! i think the training-funk is in the air since a lot of us are roughly halfway/a little past halfway in our training plans but not close enough to see the light, ya know what i mean? we'll get there - keep lacing up!
