Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Starting a Streak?

Hopefully I am off on the right foot now. I say "hopefully" because I'm awfully sore and tired today for only running four miles last night. I went backthrough my blog archives to see if I experienced the same after San Diego, but it turned out that I never got this far in a recovery cycle back then before having my cycling accident. This is really the first time I've done a post marathon recovery cycle, so I'm not sure if this is normal or not. My legs are feeling pretty tired and my lower back a little sore for running such a short distance.

Stats on yesterday's run: 4 miles average pace of 9:22. My heart rate was a little high at 82% of max, a little higher than the target 75%. After reviewing the data, I found that I spent a lt of time in the 80% to 85% of max range, so I'll slow down Thursday's workout.

Tonight's workout will be on the track with Cal Coast. If it's anything like last week, I'll be sucking wind in the first 800 yards. Oh well. No pain no gain. I guess.


  1. Every body is different but I would say that it takes a while to recover fully from a marathon! I remember after competing in track it took me almost two weeks to feel back to normal even though I mentally thought i was ready.

  2. I might have already told you this(repeat alert)but I take seven days off completely after a marathon and I usually am free from pain by the time I start again and I feel great. I've done some back to back marathons this year and haven't had trouble but that's what's worked for me. I still feel tired and it did take me two weeks to feel normal at track, maybe a bit longer.

  3. Hey Glenn- Glad you are getting back on track.

    Questions for you: How are you "mentally" for running? I have heard some people get the post marathon blues leaving them feeling unmotivated. Are you experiencing this?? How tough really is it to get back out there?

  4. I like your speed workouts. I'm thinking that's something that I should add back into the running plan.

  5. I agree, it does take awhile to recover from a full!!! Listen to your body and don't push it...but you're a runner-and we, as runners, are stubborn!

  6. You know, after San Diego, I don't think I ran for almost three weeks. I'd have to go back and look, but I know I took some time off and needed it (both physically and mentally). Enjoy the time off.

  7. you are on the mend! a marathon takes more out of you than we might think. take it easy if you're aching, you'll feel better/normal soon!
