Friday, January 22, 2010

Trying to Salvage the Week

As predicted yesterday, the trails around me are still closed. To give you an idea of the amount and severity of the rain, a normal average year's rainfall in Newport Beach is 11.3 inches (yes - that's per year folks - we *do* live in a desert). So far, since the first of the storms came through on Monday, we have received almost 5 inches. That's almost half of our normal annual rainfall in 5 days. I think I've been in Chicago when it seemed to rain that much in a day, and I *know* I've been in Miami when it has. Here though, we are not set up to deal with this much rain. Our storm drains really struggle to keep up with the deluges, and some of the low lying areas (like Long Beach where chicrunner documented some of the flooding) have further issues because at high tide, there isn't a natural flow toward the ocean.

So, water is flowing like a mutha in the flood channels, mud flows have come down the cliffs along the back bay, and high tide and high surf have flooded the beach trails. All of my standard trails are closed and will probably remain so for another day or so. I don't own a treadmill - when you have 330 days of sunny weather a year why? I also let my 24 hour fitness membership go because I just never used it. So, I'm relegated to being flexible with my schedule and doing what I can when I can.

Last night it was the rowing machine again. 5 minute warm up, then 5 sets of 5 minutes on, 4 minutes rest, followed by a 5 minute warm down. Total distance - 7.5 kilometers (4.66 miles) in 55 minutes (including rest). Another workout that had me dripping. I'm hoping to hit the hills tonght, but I'm not holding out a lot of hope.

Finally, I wanted to let you now that I've actually been asked by someone to checkout and review some product! Yup! Who would have thought? One of the sponsors of the Firecracker 10K is Injinji, and I've been asked to review a pair of their performance socks:

They look strange enough - my wife's first comment was that she didn't think I had chimpanzee feet. Ha ha. (I think she was kidding.) I'll be taking them for a spin over the next couple of weeks - short runs, long runs, etc. I'm most interested in seeing if they are comfortable, don't result in blisters, and most importantly, wick moisture. They should be smelling like a toxic dump in no time!


  1. sorry about all the weather. Yet, you folks need the rain. just not all at once. we had nearly inch fall yesterday in a steady drenching. lots of flooded areas in my typical running routes. I actually did the dreadmill last night instead.

    thanks for the tip. I like Hammer products a lot. Just not their capsule. I will try the S Caps whenever I get them. thanks for your 2 cents - always appreciated.

  2. Hi Glenn,
    It will be interesting to hear what you think about the socks. That is pretty cool that you were asked to try and review! I hope that you have a great weekend Glenn:) I am sure that you will have fabulous weather with sunshine:)

  3. Wow crazy how so much rain can cause so many problems! Its like when we get hit with so much snow! We just run out of space for it!! hope you can run on the trails again soon and have a good weekend!

  4. I have friends who swear by those socks.

  5. Way to hit the rowing machine! Are you going to do any rowing races this year?

    I'm looking forward to the Injinji review. I have a pair of socks with toes, but I'd never considered running in them. I'm especially curious to know if you feel the material between your toes.

  6. That's cool you get to review something :). Those socks just look really weird to me and a potential to cause more blisters since there's more will be interesting to see how you like them. Happy weekend!!!

  7. I like my Injinji socks although I don't wear them much. They only feel funny until you put your shoes on.

  8. Those are crazy socks! I'll be curious to see what you think.

    OK. So you are getting more rain than we would normally get in that timeframe up here in the Northwest. Yikes. I still have family in NorCal, but I haven't heard too much about the storm up there from them. Stay safe! (And dry.)

  9. The weather really sucks. Sorry about that dude. :(

    Excellent rowing time though! And have fun reviewing the "chimp" socks. :)

    happy Friday!

  10. Ha, ha! I laughed at your wife's comment, they DO look like chimp feet, minus the hair. And yours??
    I hope you get some nice runs in this weekend, thanks for the kind and encouraging words you left on my blog!

  11. I wore the toe socks for awhile, but then they started to bug me, so I stopped. Although they do make a fashion statement when you wear them with flipflops!

    The weather has been dreadful! I'm ready for some sunshine!

  12. I *heart* Ininji socks. I've had no blisters due to toes rubbing together since wearing them on my longer runs of 10 miles +.

    This weather has been rather odd, to say the least! I saw a news bit about LA and the car pool lane being flooded. Over here it seems like trees aren't doing so well and are being uprooted, which is scary.

    We're supposed to have a drier weekend.

    Have a good one!

  13. Wow I can't believe you only get 11 inches a year in New Port beach! I lived near Pasadena for four years, I think we got a lot more than that! Can't wait to hear how you like the socks. I wonder if they would help my callouses stop hurting.

  14. Hope you got in some great runs this weekend Glenn. thanks for checking in on me. This sinus infection is making it hard to run and with surf city quickly approaching hopefully I don't die! UGH!

  15. hope you're staying dry out there! I like the monkey man socks, hope they work out for you!!! :p
